Taiwan Power Company

It is not enough to maintain the electric fan only to wipe the dust

Index > Power Life > Electrical Safety

Do you know that? The electric fan in the house does not only need to clean the dust above, but also needs maintenance! What to maintain? 

Use the oil to lubricate the fan!
The electric fan is driven by the motor to generate wind. When the motor runs for a long time, the bearing lubrication is insufficient. Therefore, when the electric fan rotates unsatisfactorily, it means that the bearing is short of oil... If it is barely running, it may cause the stuck to not turn and the motor to overheat and catch fire!

Therefore, when the fan blades rotate very slowly, or the blades does not rotate after power on, and the blades cannot be rotated by hands and has abnormal sound. It is very likely that the bearing lacks oil lubrication and needs to be added as soon as possible!

※ the picture from TPC Fan Page