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Financial Statements

Income Statement

Most of the total revenues are sales of electricity. Most of the total costs and expenses are costs of fuel and purchased power. Income or loss is highly affected by energy price and electric energy supply structure.

Condensed Income Statement
Unit: NT$100 million
Items 2024/1~8
Power Supply (100 GWH) 1,669   1,622   47
Energy Sales (100 GWH) 1,567   1,517   50
Revenues 5,515 100 5,306 100 209
Sales of Electricity 5,286 96 4,583 86 703
Others 229 4 723 14 -494
Costs and Expenses 5,915 107 6,776 128 -861
Fuel 2,582 47 3,285 62 -703
Purchaesd Power 1,920 35 2,012 38 -92
  Fuel 731 13 992 19 -261
  Others 1,189 22 1,020 19 169
Purchased Ancillary Service 18 0 8 0 10
Depreciation 638 12 674 13 -36
Interest Charge 199 4 184 3 15
Taxes other than Income Tax and Fees 31 0 33 1 -2
Personnel Expenses, Maintenance, and
Other Operating Expenses
465 8 497 9 -32
Non-operating Expenses 62 1 83 2 -21
Income (Loss-) before Income Tax -400 -7 -1,470 -28 1,070


Balance Sheet

Electricity power company, as capital-intensive industry, costs a lot of capital expenditures and needs funds mainly provided from debt.

Balance Sheet
Unit: NT$100 million
Items August 31, 2024 August 31, 2023
Assets 26,911 25,390
Property, Plant and
18,375 17,450
Others 8,536 7,940
Liabilities 24,942 23,528
Long-term and
Short-term Debts
16,043 14,699
Others 8,899 8,829
Equity 1,969 1,862
Common Stock      5,829 4,815
Retained Earnings
(Accumulated Deficits-)
-4,219 -3,318
Others 359 365
Debt Ratio (%) 92.7% 92.7%


Independent Auditors' Report

Please click on "Electronic Books", then click on "Financial Statements".  
Enter the company stock code "9963" and the year you want to inquire to download the relevant information of the Independent Auditors' Report.