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Wind Power Generation

Taipower's Power Generation Vision

In addition to continuing to develop land wind power, the Company will also expand offshore sites near land for wind power generation. The Company will propose plans for later stages development timely in accordance with government regulations on open water areas to promote offshore wind power generation. It is expected by 2025, total capacity of land wind power can reach up to 370 MW, while that of offshore wind power development can reach the goal of 403.7 MW.

System Power Generation Current Situation

The situation of Taiwan wind power generation installations

Refer to BOE (Open a new window).

The situation of Taipower's wind power generation installations

Until the end of December 2024, Taipower has established wind power generation installations with a capacity of 439MW, and the cumulative electricity generation is 946,979 MWh.

Actual Performance of Taipower's Wind Power Generation Operation

With strong northeast monsoon, total power generation from January to March, and from October to December every year in Taiwan is around 70% of the country's total power generation of the year. In comparison, peak period for power demand in the summer (April to June) is when wind resources are the weakest throughout the year.