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Overview of the Development of Renewable Energy

Development Overview

Installed capacity

By the end of 2023, our country's renewable energy installations had a total capacity of 17,956 MW, of which the hydropower is 2,104 MW, geothermal power is 7 MW, solar power is 12,418 MW, wind power is 2,678 MW, biomass power is 83 MW, and waste power generation is 666 MW.

Power generation

By the end of 2023, our country's renewable energy power generated total of 26,871,226 MWh, of which the hydropower is 3,963,022 MWh, geothermal power generation is 23,164 MWh, solar photovoltaic is 12,908,690 MWh, wind power is 6,238,287 MWh, biomass power is 238,612 MWh, and waste power is 3,499,451 MWh.

Development Outcome

Wind power distribution diagram

Wind power distribution diagram


Photovoltaics power distribution diagram

Photovoltaics power distribution diagram


Hydroelectricity distribution diagram

Hydroelectricity distribution diagram