Taiwan Power Company

What to do before you start using the air conditioner?

Index > Power Life > Saving Power

The footsteps of summer approached quietly, and everyone changed into short sleeves. The air conditioner in the fan's home ... should ... haven't started work yet. Before the summer arrives, it is better to rectify the air conditioner first to make the operation smoother afterwards ~ If you plan to exchange for a new machine, you can also look at the following information and consider it carefully before buying~

☑ Before using the air conditioner in summer, you can clean the casing and air filter first to avoid dust and dirt blocking the leaves and reduce the future operation efficiency.

☑For the first time in the summer, the air can be supplied for half an hour to avoid accidents caused by overheating of the compressor.

☑When purchasing an air conditioner, it is recommended to choose an appropriate capacity according to the size of the room. If it is exposed to the west or the top floor, a moderate increase in capacity can be considered.

☑How to calculate the proper capacity (tons of refrigeration) of the air conditioner? Number of indoor floors x0.15. Assume that the number of indoor pings is 30 pings and the number of tons of air-conditioning required: 30 (pings) x 0.15 = 4.5 tons.

☑Buy the air conditioner with high air-conditioning seasonal energy factor (CSPF) value, the higher the more power-saving, or air-conditioning with energy-saving label. PS: CSPF has been enabled to replace EER since January 2017!

☑It is recommended to install the air conditioner in a place with good ventilation and not exposed to direct sunlight. The sunlight will increase the body temperature, reduce the heat dissipation efficiency of the heat exchanger, and increase power consumption.

※ the picture from TPC Fan Page