Taiwan Power Company

What happens when the refrigerator is too full?

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Open the refrigerator~ Hey! Is a different dimension space!

Have you seen the refrigerator in your home? ? A pile of things stacked in layers is stuffed in the refrigerator, and only the mother can quickly find the ingredients they need. It is so mysterious!

However, in fact, when the refrigerator is way too full, it not only consumes a lot electricity, but also makes the food spoil faster! A refrigerator that uses only 80% of the space is more energy-efficient, and it will not make the cold air difficult to circulate. In addition, the food should be placed with special care not to block the outlet of the cold air!

In addition to the "80% full principle", we also tell you some tips on using the refrigerator properly, clean and power-saving:

✅ Keep the refrigerator clean and dry immediately when the food leaks out of the liquid to avoid cross-contamination with other foods.

✅ Keep food sealed, but avoid over-packaging.

✅ Confirm the shelf life of food and often clean up expired food.

✅Consider what to take first, and then open the refrigerator door to avoid the inflow of hot air when looking for a long time, which would result in wasted power.

※ the picture from TPC Fan Page