Taiwan Power Company

Are old appliances still safe?

Index > Power Life > Electrical Safety

Old appliances are prone to fire.

Elders often say that thrift is the virtue, but you know what? Household electrical appliances have a certain useful life! Too old internal parts of the appliance will age and loosen, and it is easy to cause a fire when the current is passed, which becomes a safety concern. Moreover, electrical appliances that have been used for many years may require frequent maintenance, and the average annual power consumption is several times higher than that of home appliances with energy efficiency labeling levels, but no money is saved ... If you find that the electrical appliances in your home have the following conditions, they may be aging. [Refrigerator] Aging symptoms: poor cooling effect, leaking base, noise, insufficient coldness, etc.; [Air-conditioner] Aging symptoms: loud noise, poor cold room effect or icing, dripping, etc.; [Washing machine] Aging symptoms: abnormal noise, drainage pipe cannot drain, washing machine cannot dehydrate, etc.

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