Taiwan Power Company

You still don't know how to choose a dehumidifier?

Index > Power Life > Saving Power

When the weather is wet and cold, if you need a dehumidifier, how many liters of capacity should you buy?

The greater the number of liters of the dehumidifier, the better the efficiency, but the price is relatively higher. It is recommended that you can purchase according to the "space size"!

It can be evaluated by the following formula: 0.24 liters per square meter per day, and one ping is 3.3 square meters.

👉Simply put, one ping is about 0.8 liters / day, so if the room area is 10 pings, 10 × 0.8 = 8, you can buy a dehumidifier with a dehumidification capacity of about 8 liters!

※ the picture from TPC Fan Page